CUDA language bindings – Part2: Microlibrary

The src/kernels folder will contain our algorithm. The term kernel is used to describe a low-level building block which facilitates some higher-level algorithm. A kernel may be invoked directly by a consumer of your library, but more typically kernels are encapsulated via some higher-level public API defined by the library. There can be several kernel implementations for the same logical operation; it’s the job of the library to select one based on the inputs to the operation and the capabilities of the underlying hardware.

For mwe our single kernel will be called add, which unsurprisingly just adds integers together. We’ll have 2 kernel implementations, distinguished by their compute mode. The compute mode determines where the kernel is executed, i.e. CPU or CUDA, but you could imagine others, for instance OpenCL, FPGA, OpenMP and so on.

Add Kernel

Other than adding numbers, we’d also like our kernel to allow us to:

  • permit building mwe with or without a GPU present.
  • permit running mwe with or without a GPU, and be able to control this behavior at runtime.

These two requirements are particularly useful for real-world cross-platform applications, although it’s also a missing piece in a typical GPGPU tutorial. I’ll spend some time describing how to accomplish this with a small kernel execution utility I wrote called kernelpp.

Declare the Kernel


By including kernelpp/kernel.h, we can declare our kernel with a simple macro KERNEL_DECL in src/kernels/add.h:

    compute_mode::CPU, compute_mode::CUDA)

Here we’ve declared a kernel named add which supports CPU and CUDA compute_mode’s. Currently there are no operations on this kernel, so we can’t invoke it yet.

An operation must be a static member template named op. We can overload op on each kernel with varying arguments and return types, but for now we’ll declare one operation which takes two int’s and returns another int:

    compute_mode::CPU, compute_mode::CUDA)
    template <compute_mode> static int op(
        int a, int b);

Once the operation is declared, we need to implement it. Since our kernel supports CPU and CUDA, the kernel runner will expect to be able to find the respective implementation if it’s enabled during compilation. For example, if we enable CUDA at compile time, the runner will expect to find a specialization of add::op for compute_mode::CUDA.

Implement the kernel operation(s)

To keep things well structured, the implementations (i.e. definitions) of each operation are grouped by compute_mode in to separate files. In our case the definitions reside in src/kernels/add.cpp and src/kernels/ for CPU and CUDA respectively.

  • CPU

      template <> int add::op<compute_mode::CPU>(
          int a, int b)
          return a + b;

    The CPU implementation (above) is trivially simple. Note we’re using the template <> syntax to denote an explicit specialization of our add::op template, in this case for compute_mode::CPU.

  • CUDA

    The CUDA implementation is more substantial. For such a trivial operation like int add(int, int), it’s highly unlikely that a GPU implementation would be even half as fast as the CPU implementation because of various unavoidable overheads. None the less we can introduce the basic (but fundamental) parts of the CUDA workflow here: memory management and kernel launching:

          __global__ void add(
              int a, int b, int* result)
              *result = a + b;                       (3)
      template <> int add::op<compute_mode::CUDA>(
          int a, int b)
          device_ptr<int> dev_c;                     (1)
          ::add<<< 1, 1 >>>(a, b, dev_c.get());      (2)
          int c;
          dev_c.copy_to({ &c, 1 });                  (4)
          return c;                                  (5)
    1. Allocate a single int on the GPU (a.k.a. the device), where the result of will be written to.
    2. Launch the CUDA kernel, supplying the 2 input integers and a pointer to the output.
    3. Our device code, to run on the GPU.
    4. Copy the output from the device back to main memory.
    5. Return the result.

    One initial point of interest in this implementation at (1) is the device_ptr<T> type. Similar to std::unique_ptr<T>, this is a smart pointer that owns and manages an object of type T on the GPU, and disposes of that object when it goes out of scope. We can copy memory to and from the device with copy_to and copy_from member functions. device_ptr also makes it easy to allocate a chunk of memory capable of holding N elements. For example, to allocate 256 float’s contiguously in device memory:

      device_ptr<float> device_elements(256);

    Once device_elements goes out of scope, the device memory is freed.

    This isn’t intended to be a comprehensive tutorial on CUDA itself. If you’re interested in knowing more about say, the odd looking ::add<<< G, B >>> syntax at (2), or what __global__ means, you can acquaint yourself with the core concepts by reading the introductory tutorial on the NVIDIA Developer blog here.

    Depending on your particular problem, it’s likely you’ll be able to leverage preexisting CUDA libraries like cuBLAS or NVIDIA Performance Primitives (NPP). There are many open source 3rd party libraries; an incomplete list can be found here.

Running kernels


Now that we’ve fully implemented the operations on our add kernel for both CPU and GPU, we can wrap it in a public API to be exposed through include/mwe.h. Here is the declaration for add:

maybe<int> add(int a, int b);

Note the introduction of the maybe<T> type, which is how we will propagate potential errors back to the caller. We’ll discuss error handling in more detail in a moment.

In src/mwe.cpp, the implementation looks like:

#include "kernels/add.h"                             (1)
#include <kernelpp/kernel_invoke.h>                  (2)

maybe<int> add(int a, int b) {
    return kernel::run<add>(a, b);                   (3)
  1. Include our add kernel
  2. Include functionality to invoke kernels
  3. Invoke the add kernel operation with two ints, and return the result.

kernel::run<K>(...) is a blocking function that internally creates a kernel::runner, and subsequently invokes the operation on add which matches the given arguments. There is only one operation on the kernel, and so there is only one way to invoke it.

Implicitly, a special compute_mode called AUTO is selected, which at runtime invokes an algorithm to determine which compute_mode to invoke. For our kernel (that supports both CUDA and CPU) the process like this:


Essentially, the CUDA implementation is used when compute_mode::CUDA is enabled at compile time and a valid CUDA context is available at runtime. If the kernel fails during execution for some reason (i.e. it returns an error) then we fall back to the CPU implementation. For kernels that have different combinations of compute_mode support, the control-flow is altered to account for this.

It’s possible to override this behavior by explicitly specifying which compute_mode to use. For example, if we knew that the inputs to an operation were insufficiently large to benefit from the GPU, we can easily alter the behavior to include such a condition:

maybe<int> add(int a, int b)
    return (<some condition>) ?
          run<kernels::add, compute_mode::CPU>(a, b)
        : run<kernels::add>(a, b);

Here, if <some condition> evaluated to true, we’d force the kernel runner to use the CPU, or otherwise proceed as normal.

custom kernel::runner’s

Lastly, it’s also possible to supply a non-default or custom kernel::runner. kernelpp comes with the log_runner<K> runner, which when supplied to run_with will log various things during the kernel invocation. For example:

log_runner<kernels::add> log(&std::cout);
run_with<kernels::add>(log, a, b);

Sample Output:

[add] mode=CPU
[add] status=Success

You could probably imagine other runners which could help you write tests or benchmark your kernels.

Error handling

So far we’ve only touched on handling the return values of operations, and as part of this how we deal with errors.

Firstly, kernelpp doesn’t throw C++ exceptions, and doesn’t catch any; if your operation can throw one, then it’s your users responsibility to catch it. Instead kernelpp internally uses the kernel::error_code enum to communicate various possible error states.

A kernel operation (specifically, an op method) is just a normal method, and so it can return any value, or void. However, kernelpp also recognizes several special return types, designed to make error handling more ergonomic.

So, lets take our add operation. We really want to be able to return an int or an error. Errors can occur in CUDA, for instance, when we allocate memory. To accommodate these two possible outcomes, we can use the variant type, which is being introduced in C++17. variant is capable of holding a value that can be one of a number of possible types, and do so in a type safe way. If you want to become more familiar with variant, I suggest watching this presentation by D. Sankel.

With variant, our operation changes from int op(int, int) to variant<int, error_code> op(int, int).

The variant<T, error_code> return type pattern is recognized by the kernel runner. Upon encountering an error, the runner will convert this error to our library’s more generic error type, error. Altogether, we can tabulate the return type patterns that kernelpp recognizes and will automatically convert:

kernelpp Return type conversions

op() type kernel::run() type
variant<T, error_code> maybe<T>
error_code option<error>
void option<error>
T maybe<T>

Note: maybe<T> is an alias for variant<T, error>.

Unit Tests

We now have a complete mwe module ready for binding to our application. Before we do so, we should write a simple unit test for the add kernel. Kernels are typically good candidates for testing because as the name suggests, they tend to be cohesive and mostly independent units of functionality. To do this we’ll use the popular google test C++ test framework.

Within src/kernels/add_test.cpp we declare a test case like so:

#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "mwe.h"

TEST(mwe, add)
    auto c = mwe::add(5, 4);
    EXPECT_EQ(c, 9);

🔨  Step 2 – Build and run the unit tests

mkdir build && cd build                              (1)
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ..            (2)
cmake --build . --config Debug                       (3)
ctest . -VV -C Debug                                 (4)
  1. Create the build directory
  2. (Windows only) Generate the 64-bit build for Visual Studio
  3. Build the mwe tests in debug mode
  4. Run the mwe test suite with ctest (a tool distributed as a part of CMake)

A successful test run should produce output similar to:

1: Test command: build\Debug\mwe_test.exe
1: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
1: Running main() from
1: [----------] 1 tests from mwe
1: [ RUN      ] mwe.add
1: [       OK ] mwe.add (0 ms)
1: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
1: [==========] 1 tests from 1 test cases ran. (575 ms total)
1: [  PASSED  ] 1 tests.

If you wish to find out more on the Google Test framework, the documentation is comprehensive and easy to follow.

Build Options

By default the build wont enable (or require) CUDA. If you have CUDA installed, enable it by supplying the option kernelpp_WITH_CUDA to CMake at the configuration stage (below). A complete list of CMake options is maintained on the cuda-bindings README.

cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -Dkernelpp_WITH_CUDA=ON ..

In the final part we implement our language bindings to mwe.